Nature cabinet . Dechow . Completion 2017
The Nature Cabinet is embedded in the wide landscape of the Schaalsee Biosphere Reserve. A precisely mown sequence of cabinets is inscribed in the existing wild perennial corridor.
The edges of the resulting spaces are partly framed with sloping, low wooden walls as seating and leaning edges.
The cabinets are connected to each other by mowed landscape paths, while a circular path leads through the complex. Individual cabinets function as green classrooms with additional seating for kindergarten and school classes, others offer different options for play and motion or are as for picnicking in the landscape. The hidden places along the mowed paths can be discovered one by one or by accident. The annual trees are presented to visitors in suitable communities which are scattered throughout the cabinets.
A renatured pond with a wooden boardwalk and an information board didactically complements the natural cabinet. Two places at the entrance and exit serve as meeting points.